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Saga of the Road Easement

In 1982 Papi  and Baba, made an arrangement with Tom and Carole Bostic who owned the property through which we needed to drive to get to our land.  There was an old logging road that had also been used for horse corralling, too.  The hollow actually had a local name of "Horse Trap" because the area which is now occupied by the cabin was an area that was used to trap the horses where they would have access to water.  

Tom and Carole Bostic signed an agreement that gave us permission to use the road.  The easement states that we would survey the road and record it in Dallas County.  Phil Lammers agreed to contribute his surveying skills.  The tough part was establishing a focal point.  Phil used the stake at the N E corner of the property.  He traversed through the  undergrowth along the northern border with Papi trailing for 350 feet to  the point where the improved road intersected our property.  That done, it was easy for Phil to describe in degree, minutes and distance the twists and turns of the lane to Box Hollow Rd. Phil then wrote the legal description and graphed it.  Thanks, Phil.  That easement agreement was not recorded with the county before Tom and Carole sold the property to Carl Scribner.  Shortly after that the property was sold again to the Tad Moreland family of Springfield, MO.  Because we could not be prevented from accessing our property we were within our rights to traverse the road from Box Hollow to our property, so Papi never got too excited about recording this work but one night about 33 years later Papi lost some sleep over the matter.  Repeated attempts by Papi (by phone, email and mail as well as a visit to Tad's law office) were ignored by Mr. Moreland.  After consulting with Jim Mueller, attorney at law, papers were drawn up with the hope that Tom and Carole Bostic could be located and that they would get their signatures updated and notarized.  The last known address of the Bostics was in Ozark, MO.  Papi searched online for any information on a Tom Bostic in that area.  He was finally able to get an address on E. West Court in Ozark, so Papi and Baba drove to Ozark on September 21, 2016.  We found the house but no one was at home.  We talked with a next door neighbor, Carrie, who said our description did not match her neighbor but that he was at work and should be home later in the day.  We later returned to find him not at home so we again talked with Carrie who gave us her phone number and took a note from us to give to her neighbor explaining why we were searching for Tom Bostic.  She said she would talk with him and then call us back.  After a couple of days (during which time we were staying at the cabin) when Papi had not heard from her he called.  She said she had lost our number and the note but had talked with the neighbor who did not know Tom Bostic but they both thought that maybe someone by that name might live in one of two houses behind them on Samuel J Street.  We drove back on September 28, and went to both houses but neither resident knew of any Tom Bostic.  We then went to the local library and consulted their local phone directory.  No Tom was listed but both a Frank and a Joyce Bostic were listed.  We took to opportunity to dine at Lambert's Restaurant (Home of the throwed rolls) off Hwy 65 on our way back to Riversong.  The following day, Papi called Frank Bostic and was given a fairly good lead.  Tom Bostic lived at the intersection of Hwy CC and Old Hwy 13 at a place called Noble Hill near Bolivar, MO.  So, on Saturday, October 1, 2016, we programmed the Garmin GPS and drove to that location.  Bingo!  Turns out that Frank is one of Tom's eight brothers!  Tom was not at home at the time we arrived but his neighbor, Art Bellew, was there taking care of the dog.  We spoke with him at length and established that we had the right person and that he was currently at work.  Papi got Tom's phone number and we planned to call him on Monday after the washer repairman came to fix the (new) washer at Riversong.  The repairman arrived early and was not able to fix the washer because it needed a whole new control panel which he needed to order so Papi called Tom and we drove back to his place to talk to him about getting his signature notarized and also hopefully to get a line on Carole's location.  Tom was very cooperative although he did not recall signing the agreement but did say that it definitely was his signature.  He rode with us and took us to his bank in Springfield to get the signatures notarized (Baba and Papi's as well as Tom's).  Then we went to Wendy's for lunch.  During that time Tom called Carole to talk with her about what we needed.  Although Tom said she was somewhat of a recluse, she did agree to have us give her a call about getting together to get her signature.  At first Tom indicated that she lives in Independence, KS, which is a very long drive from Olathe but then corrected himself and said it was Independence, MO, which greatly relieved us. After we got back to Olathe, Papi called Carole.  At first he did not get an answer but he did reach her on his second attempt and she agreed to have us come on Saturday, October 8, to get her signature on the papers.  We drove to Independence, MO, to meet with Carole (Bostic) Aslin who was very welcoming and cooperative.  She accompanied us to the bank and provided her divorce decree to verify her signature and asked that we keep her informed about the success of getting the easement recorded.  She even went as far as to say she would be willing to go to court for us!  Upon getting all the required signatures, Papi texted Jim Mueller who said all we needed to do now was get him the original agreement along with the signatures and he could take care of it all by mail!  Since he is out of town at the moment it will have to wait a few more days!



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