As a part of our commitment to nature, we have begun the process of joining with the Missouri Department of Conservation to preserve and enhance the land and river on which Riversong sits.
Papi started by reading and researching what is offered by the MO Dept. of Conservation
He then contacted:
Guerric Good
Forester I
2350 S Jefferson Ave.
Lebanon, MO 65536
417-532-7612 x6343
The following are the stated goals which he shared with Mr. Good on May 28, 2019
LLC, Riversong Cabin
Structured Will
Annual Riversong Cabin, LLC manager's report
Missouri Managed Woods participation (enroll 24 acres in MMW and all 50 acres participate)
I. Maintain Beauty
A. Conserve woodland
B. Conserve glade
C. Conserve floodplain
II Minimize forest fire risk
A. Controlled burns
B. Selective brush cut
III Promote mast, seeds,
cover, diversity
IV Make the property self
A. Cover taxes,insurance,
road maintenance,
B. Current estimated
need $3-5,000/yr
On May 30, 2019, Guerric Good met with Papi and Baba at Riversong. Papi and Guerric did a walk around the property. It just so happened that they spotted a spiny soft shelled turtle laying her eggs on the riverbank and scared up a turkey hen off her nest that contained a poult.
The following are the notes taken by Baba:
May 30, 2019
Guerric Good, MO Conseration Dept. Forestry Dept.
Gary invited Guerric to come to make recommendations regarding conservation of the land under Missouri. Managed Woods (MMW.)
Gary sent an email to Guerric ahead of the meeting with the goals he had developed.
Asked about ginseng…no answer…unaware
Send proof of ownership to Guerric Good…tax statement or deed--emailed right away
Will start with the lower section…Sycamores, then the plot between us and Riverfront…Ash and Elm??? Identify others? Plant something of value. Guerric immediately commented Maple, Elm, Ash are the typical trees that survive the best in these areas that flood. Ash being the possible species to remove. Seedlings of other species may not survive easily. Better to consider Green Ash to be removed for $ before they decline. Walnut seedlings would be a gamble but possibility as a replacement. May mark some of the ash to learn the ways to identify.
During the visit Guerric and Gary walked some of the property. They saw a soft shelled turtle laying her eggs off the river near the road. They also saw a turkey hen on her nest. One poult popped up.
They discovered that most of the ash are already dead. We have mainly American elm trees in the bottom land. American elms have dark light, dark light. We also have some slippery elm has red layers…also called red elm. We have a few walnuts that could be for saw logs…not veneer quality. We have a few white oak most of which are mostly post oaks which are of lesser value…concluding that we do not have timber of much value. You need truck loads to begin to be possible. You need 1000 board ft. per acre. One sycamore 16” diameter @ 5 ft. off ground, 16 ‘ length = 100 board feet. That tree’s value is about $30.
The small trees/bushes (30-40’) are box elder. We have a few mixed with the elm. We have a number of Hackberry which is really close to Sugarberry. We may have both. Both are good for birds.
Guerric would not recommend planting anything in the flood plane. Keeping the current variety.
Invasive species:
SERICEA LESPEDEZA - Native has haphazard veins while invasive has regular…try to get ride of it.
Papi will, with the help of Guerric, develop a plan for a glade project which if accepted and implemented may allow us to enroll the upper 24 acres in the state in MMW program that would give some tax breaks and grant money to continue to preserve and improve the land.
Application for MDC Guided Project
Show Me
June 1, 2019
One of the goals of Riversong Cabin, LLC is the cultivation of future land management stewards. One of the objectives of the goal is to document, communicate, and solicit assistance with the plan. Missouri Managed Woods could be an important driver of that objective. In an effort to be a favorable candidate for MMW the managers of Riversong propose a project that would fit an objective of the plan and a MDC goal.
A.Glades are an important space in Missouri’s Southwest region. They are also susceptible to invasion.
B.Infrequent fires and the vigorous proliferation of cedar trees and some invasive species have destroyed some of the beauty, diversity, and natural habitat provided by glades.
C.The MDC has experience with the loss of glades and knows how to best preserve these spaces. MDC can also provide incentive and assistance in the preservation.
Within its 50 acres Riversong Cabin, LLC sits a river, creek, accompanying floodplain, mixed hardwoods, glades, and oak woodland. The owners are interested in its optimum preservation for wildlife and progeny. MMW would go a long way to assist in the continued management and effectiveness of the plan.
A.For 39 years the owners of the 50 acres have done little to preserve the land.
1.Fires have been inconsistent and once so hot that trees were damaged.
2.What was once a few cedars have now become many and have seriously encroached on some areas.
B.MMW knows best practices and has a system for evaluation of effort.
1.Missouri Foresters are the most knowledgeable in the country.
2.MMW says “show me and we’ll assist, show me and we’ll assist again.”
The completion of a cooperatively planned improvement of one of three glades on the property would be a “show me,” and demonstrate that Riversong Cabin, LLC is a good candidate for MMW.
A.The MDC goals and that of the owner are the same.
B.Guerric Good and Gary and Barbara Lammers get along.
A.A cooperatively planned and executed project to improve a glade is in the best interest of Riversong Cabin, LLC and the state of Missouri. It’s a Show Me.
Below is the Forestry Project Plan proposed by the MMW