The Grand Family Reunion/Not So Opening Party July 5-8, 2016
On July 3, 2016, the Stevenson Family (Windy Lammers Stevenson and Mathew Stevenson with their two children, Kaya and Kolby) traveled from Portland, Oregon, to Olathe, Kansas to join the Pate Family (Stacy Lammers Pate and Michael Pate and their two children, Noah and Sara), the Lammers-Meis Family (Jessica Lammers-Meis and David Lammers-Meis and their six children, Laura, Jake, Noel, Mark, Katie and Luke) and Baba and Papi Lammers for a family reunion which included a visit to Riversong for what was supposed to be the Grand Opening. The cabin was not finished...
Prior to going to Riversong we celebrated the 4th of July together. First some of us went to watch fireworks at Bishop Miege High School on the 3rd. On the 4th the Stevensons and Pates drew a huge chalk flag on the street by their house. We shucked corn together. Papi grilled some chicken. Pates mixed up some slaw. We made homemade ice cream but the first batch was ruined because the motor did not shut off when the ice cream froze and metal shavings got into the ice cream from where the motor tried to keep turning the stuck paddle. Fortunately there was another old ice cream maker available and a bit more ice cream mixture so we each got to sample some delicious ice cream with strawberries and blue berries from the Lammers-Meis.
Papi, Michael, Mathew and Sara climbed through the garage which was crammed with furniture for the cabin to get our canoe down from where it was hanging from the ceiling. Sara climbed on mattresses risking life and limb!
On the morning of the 5th we loaded the cars with tons of food, clothes and toys and headed to Riversong. Papi and I were pleasantly surprised to find that the builder had installed the railing around the deck, safety and stabilizing slats to the basement stairs and a temporary railing up the inside staircase as well as many lights, the attic fan and one toilet in a bathroom with a door!!! The refrigerator was also operating. So we all managed with no inside running water or flooring or doors on bedrooms or wainscotting all around the first floor. We had rigged up a cold hose shower before and Michael Pate added a hose up to the deck to provide water for washing hands, feet, dishes, etc.
Baba and Papi had their air mattress in their bedroom. The Stevensons threw air mattresses, blankets and sleeping bags on the other first floor bedroom. Kolby actually slept in the "Radiantec" closet. Sara joined the Stevensons. Michael and Stacy put an air mattress in the family room. The Lammers-Meis slept in tents and Noah slept in a hammock under the cabin. It was hot and humid so no one slept on the second floor. The attic fan was loud and did not do much. The doors squeeked, the toilet flushing was very loud and odor from the septic system invaded the back bedroom but other than that we all slept well!!! Michael oiled the door hinges and covered all the open drain pipes so the last night there was a bit more pleasant.
The creek was a focal point as well as the river. Several fish were caught, big and small. The Lammers-Meis family brought two large blow up water toys for the river and those along with squirters provided a lot of fun. The Pates brought 7 kayaks and the L-Ms brought 2. Baba and Papi had 2 canoes. Michael provided instruction to some of the kids who were then able to guide their own kayaks down the river. With one rental kayak we were able to provide everyone with a ride on the river. We floated on Thursday afternoon from NRO to Riversong after the morning rains stopped. Speaking of rain, Windy provided entertainment for the kids and adults by suggesting a game of charades and thinkiing up oodles of ideas for us to mime while outside it poured, thundered and lightninged. We had a blast and decided to name the counter/cabinet area next to the pantry the charades place.
We returned to Olathe on Friday afternoon, July 8th, and then all went to the Royals baseball game...we lost but we had a great time! Phil and Sarah Lammers joined us since we had 2 extra tickets because Taena and Jaelen were not able to join us.
A lot of hard work was done preparing for and carrying off this great adventure as well as packing up and leaving the cabin in shape for the builders to continue their work. THANK YOU, EVERYONE!

First row: Windy, Kaya, Mark, Laura, Kolby, Katie
Second row Luke, Jessica, Mathew, Sara, Noel, Jake, Noah
Third row David, Baba, Stacy, Michael
Back Papi
Missing are Matt and daughters, Jaelen and Taena (and Mady) and Alicia Lammers and Leo, Ray and Betty Solis and Kaeis Firestone

This beautiful photo is curtesy of Michael Pate
Look for lots more photos on the blog!

Thank you, Deryl ,for clearing a new road to the river after the demise of the Three Sisters just prior to our reunion!

After we left the cabin it rained some more and some more and some more...here is what that road to the river looked like!

Above is the cross the creek campsite...good thing we did not put up and leave the tents there! To the right is the creek at the cabin.